Home with Holly


Hurricane Katrina Relief

I know I don't have a great deal of readers anymore since I've switched my domain, but just in case anyone stumbles across here is some information:

The Salvation Army is taking monetary donations online. $100 will feed a family of 4 for 2 days, provide 2 cases of drinking water and a home cleanup kit.

The Salvation Army

The United Methodist Committee on Relief has PDF files that list items needed and directions to assemble relief kits (a good activity for children) of all kinds. This page has the links to the directions and how to get the kits to UMCOR.

UMCOR kits

posted by Keriann at 8/31/2005 09:12:00 AM comment(s) made: 3

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Manna from the heavens

I found a blog today that is all about ADHD and money. That speaks straight to my heart. Surfing from there I found a LOAD of financial planning for dummies type blogs. I've been reading and soaking them all in.

It's very difficult to totally turn around your behavior and attitudes with money, especially with ADHD. But I'm going to do it. Just watch me.

posted by Keriann at 8/30/2005 12:13:00 PM comment(s) made: 0

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Bow chicka wow wow

Considering my fairly recent interest in burlesque dancing and stripper culture, this page seemed like fun. I found it via Jen's page.

While this chick doesn't look much like me (glance to the right), she's as close as I could get with their limited options. In any case, Shelby and Jason have watched over and over and collapse in laughter every time.

posted by Keriann at 8/29/2005 08:14:00 PM comment(s) made: 0

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Ok, I know a lot of you are Bush supporters but this really has me upset. We have a major catastrophic hurricane heading right towards New Orleans, one of the cities with the highest rate of poverty in the south, so you have almost 100 THOUSAND PEOPLE, that are not able to leave the city.

Small children, elderly and infirm residents and people living paycheck to paycheck who have no money to pay for gas or even a car to leave town are stranded in this city. And WHERE is our president?

On vacation.

Look, you wanted this job. You fought, lied, cheated and stole to get this job. You lead a country that is in the middle of a war that has your citizens being killed and maimed, not to mention separated from their families for months and years at a time. None of them holding a gun in the middle of a sandstorm in 100 degree heat while wearing 40 pounds of gear can take a vacation.

If you lead our country, then dammit LEAD our country when we need a leader. As long as any American is in danger of harm, whether from war or a natural disaster, you should not be on vacation. You should be at work, taking care of the very people that you are supposed to be protecting.

Get steppin.

posted by Keriann at 8/28/2005 06:56:00 PM comment(s) made: 2

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Upon the occasion of my 39th birthday

I was sick. Desperately and horribly sick. John and I have contracted some sort of jungle plague that comes around every hundred years or so. I am beginning to believe in the mind-body connection, because ever since June something has been wrong with me physically, coincidentally I was in the middle of one of the most emotionally stressful periods of my life. Thankfully that is over now so hopefully my body is just getting rid of the last of the toxins I banked up.

While I was lying around doing nothing but wishing my ear would stop hurting, I began to think of what profound things I could put on this blog. I began reminiscing about my life, things I remembered about my childhood and early adulthood etc. Then my mind wandered down a different road. I'm 39. Let me make the changes now, in this last year of my 30s, that I want and feel are necessary. Next year I'll be 40. At that point I will be "middle aged". Next year is the year for waltzes down memory lane. This year is for being young, full of promise, hope, ambition and excitement. So here we go:

Every day:

I will curl my eyelashes.
I will wear perfume.
I will fingerpaint or color with Jason.
I will make sure I have at least lip gloss on when John comes home.
I will make my home and family my 1st priority.
I will remind myself how lucky I am and how much I have to be grateful for.

This year:

I will go to Las Vegas just for the experience.
I will put money in savings every month.
I will eat healthily most of the time, because I want my body to last another 40 years.
I will spend more time with my parents, and tell them I love them.
I will write my grandmother every week.
I will be sensible in my friendships.
I will share my writing with other people.
I will learn to love myself.

posted by Keriann at 8/28/2005 11:14:00 AM comment(s) made: 2

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New House

I've moved to blogspot-I know blogger isn't the best blog platform around, but it's FREE, which means a lot to me these days. I'll be moving some of my posts from my old blog over, but not all of them, I want my blog to go in a different direction now that my life is changing. Stick around, hopefully you'll get something out of my musings.

posted by Keriann at 8/24/2005 07:01:00 PM comment(s) made: 0

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